Bus services to and from Thaxted can be found on the Uttlesford transport web site, available at the Uttlesford Transport website. You can also view service numbers and destinations by clicking the links below:

* 6 - Stansted Airport - Debden - Saffron Walden

* 313 - Saffron Walden - Thaxted - Debden - Great Easton - Great Dunmow

* 313A - Great Dunmow - Thaxted - Howlett End - Saffron Walden

* 413 - Saffron Walden - Wimbish - Thaxted - Great Easton - Great Dunmow

* 414 - Great Dunmow - Thaxted - Wimbish - Saffron Walden

* 451 - Newport - Debden - Thaxted - Great Easton - Great Dunmow

* 453 - Wimbish - Debden - Newport

Timetables are available on the bus stops by the Guildhall and outside the Post Office (Wayletts).

Copies can also be found at the Community Information Centre. 

Traveline-text is a new service which provides details of the next three or four departure times for any specific bus stop, by texting the stop's unique 7 or 8 letter code to 84268.  This service is now available in Thaxted. 

To use the service, simply type the bus stop code as a text in your mobile phone, and send it to 84268.  You will receive a message back, normally within a minute, with details of the next three departures from that stop.  Remember the service is specific to an individual stop for travel in that one direction. So be aware that the code for the stop in the other direction will be different!

In most areas, the cost of the service is 25p, plus your normal text messaging charge.  The return message is free. 

Codes for Thaxted are;

At the Post office for travel to Great Dunmow and Bishops Stortford esxdapdw

At the Guildhall for travel to Saffron Walden it is esxdgatg 


Taxi services are supplied by four local private hire firms. ‘Phone numbers and names, below:

Beckett Cars   07988 898110  

Roche Cars   01371 830451  www.rochecars.co.uk

Thaxted Cars 07511 154841

The New Z Cars 07889 993022