Neighbourhood Plan

Thaxted has been described as the jewel of Essex.

To keep Thaxted special in terms of its historic buildings and settings, the views from the countryside and the landscape itself, we need as a community to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.

Thaxted Parish Council believed that it was in the interests of the community and whilst adopting a formal Neighbourhood Plan has incurred significant costs and input from parishioners, Councillors and many volunteers during this process, there will be significant benefits from doing so.

Once our Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted, this will formulate a recognised part of the National Planning Policy Framework and cannot be ignored by prospective developers when making planning applications for new development.

These are some examples of the things our Neighbourhood Plan will help us decipher:

  • is there an appropriate mix of market and affordable housing?
  • is there sufficient housing for all ages within the community?
  • is there sufficient local employment?
  • should more employment opportunities be encouraged in or close to the village?
  • can the existing roads and parking places cope with more growth?
  • what should new buildings look like?
  • how should we preserve and protect the rural, environmental and historic areas of the village?